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2017 Messages

You can now read a transcribed versions of Central Healing Services’ messages month-by-month. Each month’s post is a summary of the message preached during the service. The nature of the transcriptions are expected to reflect the originality of delivered messages. For maximum benefits, however, every reader is advised to put away any form of distractions and prayerfully put his/her frame of mind as per one literally sitting before the Preacher when the message was preached..

December 2017 Summarized Healing Service Message

December 2017 Central Healing Service 
Message Summary

Preacher: Evang. (Dr.) Lawrence Hart
Topic: I Am Has Sent Me to You
Lesson: 2Kings 20:1-11

Text:    Isaiah 52: 4-10

The Lord is passionate about you; He is interested in your wellbeing. In this season of good tidings, good news will come your way.

In Exodus 3:7, God expressed His concern to deliver Israel from their afflictions and bondage. In like manner, God has identified your challenges, and is willing to deliver you today.

Moses knew that the only person that the children of Israel knew at a time, and were afraid of, was Pharaoh. That was why he requested for the name of the Lord, so that he could introduce Him by name to the children of Israel. And Moses’ life inadequacies did not hinder God from delivering Israel from their difficult situations. You may have been living in same or similar situations of bondage for this long, and perhaps, you are considering the option of throwing-in the towel; know today that, “I AM that I AM” is willing to deliver you from all your challenges.

Exodus represents the end of 430 years of bondage. No matter how long those problems have lasted or have been kept in the archive against you; today, your file/case shall receive positive answers. Only one God’s divine intervention can give you a testimony that can change your entire life situations!

No matter how thick the wall around your breakthrough seems to be, when once it encounters the, “I AM that I AM”, it shall collapse before you and never upon you. Every wall of obstacle or affliction over your life shall fall in Jesus Name. Be of good cheers; the “I AM that I AM” has come to intervene for you in those stormy situations. Therefore my people shall know my name: therefore they shall know in that day that I AM He that doth speak: behold, it is I (Is. 52:6).

If you are still living in sin, you are in bondage like the children of Israel were in Egypt. In order to be free from bondage, you need to surrender your life to the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ

November 2017 Summarized Healing Service Message
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October 2017 Summarized Healing Service Message

October 2017 Central Healing Service

Message Summary
Preacher: Pst Ibim J. Alabraba (Superintendent State Minister)
Topic: Taking off the Limits from God
Lesson: Psalms 78:40-41

The people limited the holy one of Israel. How did they limit God?

  • They limited God by their words and in their hearts. They had thought in their hearts that God cannot go beyond their present situations and circumstances.
  • They limited God by their attitudes. They despised the miracles of God when faced with challenges of what to eat and drink in the wilderness.  
  • They limited God by their negative testimonies. They testified that the Promised Land was un-inhabitable because of the fear of the presence of giants.

Some of us today still put up limiting behaviours as did the children of Israel on their way to the Promised Land. In fears, we may be saying in our hearts, “can this be possible? Can God be able to do this one?”

Remember that there is nothing whatsoever that can terrify God. And, if God is with us, no situation should be able to make us terrified. May I announce to you that the challenges you are facing today can be surmounted, only don’t limit God from reaching you.

The 7 things that can hinder or limit God in your life are:

  1. Disobedience to God Forgetfulness of God’s miracles in our lives (Num 14:1-12)
    1. Disobedience limits God in us and through us (John 16:7 10&14)
    2. Disobedience limits God’s Blessings (John 14:23, 1 John 3: 22- 24)
  2. Unbelief is a paralyzing sin that can limit you from God
  3. Worldliness: A good number of Christians are competing with the world; they have forgotten that our citizenship is of Heaven. (Phi 3:3, 1 John 2:16. Psalms 4:2). Take away worldliness in your life and you will see God’s mighty powers.
  4. Insincerity  (Psalm 78:8, Matt 15:8)
  5. Ingratitude  (Psalm 78:42-51, 56-57)
  6. Idolatry: it is an act of idolatry when you value or reverence something or someone more than God. (Psalm 78:58, Psalm  139: 23-24)

When we trust God like the widow in 2Kings 4:1-7 who believed God and without fail obeyed the instructions given to her by the Prophet of God, in return she had an overflowing blessing. All the available pots in her house were filled with oil. It was until there were no more empty containers that the oil had to stop flowing. When we look up to God he will show Himself as an unlimited God to us.

September 2017 Summarized Healing Service Message

September 2017 Central Healing Service 
Message Summary

Preacher: Pst Isaac V. Olori (The Int’l Director)
Topic: The Force of Prayer
Text: Luke 18:1-8

During the 45th Anniversary Celebration Thanksgiving Service, we talked about, “Winning the Battle”. Every Believer must understand that there is a war going on; and a situation whereby one is not conscious that such spiritual war exists, may result into such person becoming a victim.

The Force of Prayer is an inevitable armory to battle with for a sure victory. Prayer is one of the strongest weapons available to every believer. Prayer is stronger than any weapon ever developed by man, be it atomic or nuclear bombs!

It is through the power of prayers that God’s hand is often moved to do the humanly impossible things on earth. God’s expectation for every child of His is to pray and not to faint. To faint means to give-up, loose heart or turn cowardly. When you don’t pray, circumstances will intimidate you; fear will rule your life; and victory is not assured.

Prayer is an act of engagement in spiritual warfare. It’s not a child’s play. It is a serious business that requires concerted manly efforts. God’s expectation for every believer is to be dutiful in prayers.

In the book of Acts chapter 12 verse 1 to 11, it took the power of prayer for God to intervene for Apostle Peter’s release. King Herod put him in prison, waiting to kill him after Easter. Herod had wanted to please the Jews again, like he did in the case of James. But he couldn’t, as a result of the power of prayers.

I do not know the force that is holding you down: force of sickness, whether it from physical or spiritual sources, be assured that the force of Prayer will pull down every stronghold in your life.

When the force of prayer moves up, and gathered like a cloud, situations must change. As you look up to God in prayers today, help from Heaven would be sent your way to address every situation you may be going through right now, in Jesus name. Amen.

The issue of prayer is so crucial that Jesus had to teach His Disciples how to pray (Luke 11:5-13), and particularly in verse 5 He told them about the force of prayer. There are things that make the force of prayer more effectual:

[1] The force of prayer is more powerful when you are not selfish. For instance, Job prayed for his friends and God healed and delivered him (Job 42:10). God’s intervention will come our way more assuredly and more speedily when we intercede for other people’s needs, just like the case of Job.

[2] The force of prayer is reinforced when we maintain good relationship with God. Hence, we will not only be concerned with praying for: food, marriages, jobs, healing, etc. but about spiritual things as well.

Who is qualified to pray? Ephesians 2:5 reveals that you must be spiritually alive in Christ before you can be qualified to make answerable prayers to God. You must have the right relationship with God for you to be able to stand boldly before God’s awesome presence. You cannot have the required boldness if you are still living in sin. You need to repent and forsake your sins, and receive Jesus Christ into your life as Lord and Saviour, in order to be able to build effective force in prayer. God bless you

August 2017 Summarized Healing Service Message

August 2017 Central Healing Service 
Message Summary

Preacher: Pst Isaac V. Olori (The Int’l Director)
Topic: Winning the Battles
Text: 2 Cor 10:3-6

July 2017 Summarized Healing Service Message

July 2017 Central Healing Service 
Message Summary

Preacher: Pst Isaac V. Olori (The Int’l Director)
Topic: The Power of the Highest
Text: Luke 1:31-35

Physical powers are operated at different levels. In spiritual realm, however, there two categories of powers, namely: The power of God and The power of kingdom of darkness.

The topic, “The Power of the Highest” is about the Power of God, which surpasses all other physical and spiritual powers. Because the Power of God surpasses all realms and powers, a captive under the influence of the power of man or devil can be set free by the Supernatural Power. For a man to come out of the bondage of sin, it had to take God to send a sinless Man (Jesus Christ) for the redemption of humans. We must understand that, it is the same power that resurrected Christ from death that is at work in us today; its potency has neither changed nor diminished.

Many are still puzzled on how a virgin could give birth without having affairs with a man! As such, you may still be asking like Mary, “How will this be, …, since I am a virgin?” (Lk 1:34 NIV). It is only God that has answers to such questions. You may be facing difficult situation that poses some challenging questions, such that no man can answer right now. But God shall answer those humanly overwhelming questions of life for you today in Jesus Name. Amen.

Another instance of the surpassing of the supernatural power of God is in Genesis Chapter 1. God, preparatory to create things, noticed thick darkness at work, but His Spirit hovered around the waters and subdued the powers of darkness, and the mystery of creation was achieved. This same principle shall be applicable to any humanly impossible situations we find ourselves in; and those impossibilities shall be made possible because the same Power of the Holy Spirit is still at work today.

The book of Isaiah 61:1 and Acts 10:38 are more examples of the Supernatural exhibitions of God’s power through the Holy Spirit. When the Power of the Highest comes upon your situation, there shall be a change, even in those health challenges; it doesn’t matter what the doctors might have said about your case.

When once the powers of darkness are in operation, many issues may be persisting in your life. But today, the Power from on High is available to do the miraculous in our lives. When this Power of the Highest comes upon you, every situation shall bow. Another instance is given in the book of Acts 9, when the Power of the Highest touched Saul. He was instantly turned from being a persecutor to being Paul: a servant of God. Peter, one of the called disciples struggled at a time to stand for Christ, but when the Power of the Highest came upon him, he became bold and was able to stand for the Lord to the point of being martyred. The Power of the Highest can mortify our fleshy desires and kill every sinful habit, to enable us to live for God alone

The Power of the Highest has been declared over you to fulfill two things in your life today: to set you free from the bondage of sin as you embrace Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal saviour; and to crush every satanic yoke and affliction in your life today.

June 2017 Summarized Healing Service Message

June 2017 Central Healing Service 
Message Summary

Preacher: Evang. Princewill Nkiri
Topic: Broken but not Damaged
Text: 2 Sam 4:4-5, 9:1-13

May 2017 Summarized Healing Service Message

May 2017, Central Healing Service and 2nd Year in office Thanksgiving by the Rivers State Governor (His Excellence, Hon. Barrister Ezenwo Nyesom Wike)
Lesson: Proverb chapter 3 verses 5 and 6 was read by The Executive Governor of Rivers State.
Sermon by Pastor Isaac V. Olori, The International Director of Greater Evangelism World Crusade.
Topic:     Power Belongs to God
Text: Psalm 62:11
I want you to know that power belongs to God. There is only one supreme power, and every other power is a subset of that Power. For those of us whom God has entrusted with positions of authority, the moment you realize that power belongs to God, your approach will change.
As Governors, Kings, Lawyers, Civil Service Heads, etc be it known to you that where you are seating right now is a provision of God’s extended throne. Until you realize that you are seating on a borrowed seat, you cannot be able fight corruption and succeed. What is it that has kept you where you are today? Some of your mates are still trekking, some are dead, buried and forgotten, but you are alive and entrusted with position of authority.  It is definitely not by your power. The bible says that for by strength shall no man prevail.
From Daniel chapter 4 verses 34 and 35, King Nebuchadnezzar on the seat of power, rather than acknowledging God’s sovereignty challenged God’s authority instead. A thing that provoked God, and resulted to his being dehumanized and sent to the forest to learn a single lesson, “that power belongs to God”. He remained in his learning process for seven years, until he realized that power belongs to God, and declared thus, “The Most High rules in the affairs of men”. We owe God all our praises and services. The power to live is not in the hands of Doctors. Your life and destiny are in the hands of God. It was based on this realization that the Palmist said, “I will lift up my eyes on to the hills from where comes my help”.
Power indeed belongs to God. With men, most things are impossible and unattainable but not with God. Every case you bring to God today shall be addressed because power belongs to God. All you need to do is to trust the Lord with all your heart. Our God is a jealous God; if you don’t give Him all, He won’t be satisfied, as such will not receive from Him either.
You must give account of the privileged authority that God has entrusted in your hands. God has placed you in that position for a reason. Seek Him; Depend on Him; Trust Him and lean not on your own understanding. You must acknowledge Him in all your ways. Some of us treat God like a spear tyre. It is only when you need help that you remember to come to Him. It is wiser and better to come to Him now than wait for a “puncture”. He is our life sustainer. Give Him the centre place of your life and heart today. You need to give Him your life wholly, in order to establish a cordial Father-son relationship with Him. If you are not born again yet, you are not recognized by him; you are not yet in the expected Father-son relationship with your Maker.  To whom much is given, much is expected. The position of authority you are occupying right now is by God’s privileged Power; at His appointed time, you MUST certainly give account of it!

April 2017 Summarized Healing Service Message

April 2017 Central Healing Service 
Message Summary

Preacher: Pst Isaac V. Olori (The Int’l Director)
Topic: The power of Soul Prosperity
Text: 3 John 1:2

March 2017 Summarized Healing Service Message

March 2017 Central Healing Service
Message Summary
Preacher: Pst Isaac V. Olori (The Int’l Director)
Topic: Go, Dip Yourself Seven Times!
Text: 2 Kings 5:1-17

Last healing service we looked at God’s word as an agent for our deliverance and healing. Today, we shall consider the second part of that message, which focuses on the outcome of obeying God’s word.

In verse 1 of our text, Naaman was described as a great and honourable man by whom God wrought deliverance for Syria, but he was a leper: a major defect on the body of such a strong man!  No matter whom you are, what elevated profiles or credentials you may have before men, it is possible that you have been living your life with hidden defects on your body or secret sins that people don’t know about. You could hide them before men, but certainly not before God by whom all our life secrets are made bare. May the Holy Spirit expose and deal with every shameful infirmity and hidden sinful habits in our lives today in Jesus Name, amen.

The little girl in Naaman’s house, in spite that she was a maid and a captive, was still knowledgeable and conscious of the power of her God. She believed without any doubt that her master was going to be healed, if only he could meet the prophet in Samaria. How do you see our God? This little maid was consistent in her belief in the God that she grew-up to know about. What you don’t recognize/honour is unlikely going to be a blessing to you!

A true prophet does not speak unless God has spoken. Prophet Elisha spoke and said, dip yourself seven times in river Jordan. We must understand that anytime God sends His word there is always a resistance from the enemy. Naaman was wroth after the prophet spoke to him. He disdained river Jordan because he was ignorant of the fact that God works in mysterious ways. God often uses foolish things to confound the wise.

Note Importantly:

(1) The Jordan River in itself was not carrying any miraculous/healing power. The healing was not in the water or in the anointing oil, but in the declared word. Recall that the healing power experience from the pool of Bethesda only came when the angel stirred up the water.

(2) Obedience to God’s word brings healing. “If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land” (Isaiah 1:19). Naaman eventually obeyed and dipped himself seven times in River Jordan and was instantly made whole at the seventh time, according to the word of the Prophet of God. The number seven stands for completion, perfection or wholeness. Many of our works for God are half-baked; partial or limited obedience is often profitless. It’s time we surrender our lives onto God and everything that has been holding us back from rendering complete service.

There are two more important lessons to learn:

Lesson1: Naaman had need of discipleship unknown to him. Anyone could be made a disciple no matter his rank or status in the society.

Lesson2: Elisha represents a true servant of God, while Gehazi represents a fake or false preacher whose aim is always to make merchandise of God’s people.

Don’t forget that sin is a spiritual leprosy; it defiles, deforms and destroys its host. You must of necessity have your life dipped in Christ Jesus and be cleansed by His precious blood. You have yet another opportunity today to repent and be saved.

February 2017 Summarized Healing Service Message

February 2017 Central Healing Service
Message Summary
Preacher: Pst Isaac V. Olori (The Int’l Director)
Topic: God’s Word is an Agent for your Healing
Text: Psalms 107: 15-22

An agent is one who acts for or in place of another. It can also be defined as an active power or force. God’s Word fits into these two definitions. The word of God is an active and powerful force (Heb 4:12), there is nothing it cannot accomplish.

God does not need to touch you physically before He could heal, bless, deliver or transform you, He accomplishes all these and more by power of His Word. Isaiah 55:10,11 confirms that God’s Word is His messenger. When God’s Word is released, it accomplishes what He pleases; it never fails.
God’s Word is a command or a standing order; when released, it moves with speed to accomplish every mission for which it is sent out for. As God sends rain to wet the ground and brings fruitfulness, may His word that is sent to you today remove every dryness, lukewarmness and unfruitfulness in your life.

Power in His Word:
The bible we carry everyday has the power we need for everything. Roman 1:16 says, “ For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth…” The power of God’s Word can break every habit in your life, no matter how terrible or how long it has persisted.

Reasons for ineffectiveness of God’s Word in some Peoples’ lives:
1) From the parable of the Sower (Matt 13:1-9, 18-23), the Seed is the Word of God. Note that the different results in the various instances were determined by the different conditions of the recipients’ hearts. With a stony heart, God’s Word will not grow onto fruitfulness.
2) Presence of evil lifestyle that chocks the Word: For the word of God to profit you, the first thing you must do is to forfeit every lifestyle that hampers the growth of the Word.
3) Prayerlessness: Your life will change when the level of God’s Word in you increases; and prayers can facilitate the expected growth.
4) When the Word of God not appropriated by faith
5) Lack of knowledge of the revealed truth of God’s Word; the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.

January 2017 Summarized Healing Service Message

January 2017 Central Healing Service 
Message Summary

Preacher: Pst Isaac V. Olori (The Int’l Director)
Topic: The power of Spiritual desire
Text: Mathew 5:6, Psalms 27:4.
