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Living Testimonies

Multiple Ear Problems Healed!

Testimony by the grandchild of Elder Gladys Michael of Azuabie Church1, Rivers State.

Praise the Lord Church. I’m here to testify of what the Lord has done in the life of my younger brother. For the past one year, he has been feeling severe pain in his ear. We noticed that his ear was swollen and an offensive smell fluid was contin…

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The Grandchild of Elder Gladys Michael

Mar 13, 2024

Multiple Ear Problems Healed!

Testimony by the grandchild of Elder Gladys Michael of Azuabie Church1, Rivers State.

Praise the Lord Church. I’m here to testify of what the Lord has done in the life of my younger brother. For the past one year, he has been feeling severe pain in his ear. We noticed that his ear was swollen and an offensive smell fluid was continually coming out of his ear. At this point, our dad had to take him to the hospital for proper medical attention. The prescribed drugs could not reduce the pains, let alone cure the ailments. He became restless and could not sleep at night. We were advised to discontinue with the drugs, and rather use hydrogen peroxide and cotton wool to regularly clean his ear. The smell was reduced, but not the pains nor the swollen.

When we came to Port Harcourt the thing became severe; it was now blood that started flowing out of the ear, and the ear enlarged the more. It was so until we came for the October Healing Service. During the prayer time, Daddy asked people to lay hands around the part of their bodies they needed God’s healing on, and he prayed. Nothing seemed to had happened; so, we went home after the service and I went to our grandma’s place. We were billed for his next hospital appointment that same week.

On Monday morning, just the next day after the healing service, my dad called us on phone, and brother spoke and said, “Grandma, the ear is not paining me again oh; there is no more blood coming out of my ear; my ear is okay.” Just like that! We did not visit the hospital again. God healed my brother’s ear; it reduced to the normal size, no more pain, no more restlessness from that day till now. Glory be to God. Hallelujah.

The Grandchild of Elder Gladys Michael

Mar 13, 2024

Disproportionate Swollen hand and Pains, all varnished!

Testimony by Zete Kadilobari Grant

In 2022, I woke up one morning and noticed a growth on my right palm with excruciating pains. I thought it was ordinary boil, and so I took some antibiotics, but there no improvement. Within a couple of days, my entire hand had become swollen. It was time to visit the hospital. The Doctors…

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Zete Kadilobari Grant

Mar 14, 2024

Disproportionate Swollen hand and Pains, all varnished!

Testimony by Zete Kadilobari Grant

In 2022, I woke up one morning and noticed a growth on my right palm with excruciating pains. I thought it was ordinary boil, and so I took some antibiotics, but there no improvement. Within a couple of days, my entire hand had become swollen. It was time to visit the hospital. The Doctors were scared when they saw it. I overheard them discussing for the solution and said, ‘the best thing to do to help this man is to cut off the hand.” Immediately, I said, “you people will not cut off my hand.” They said, “amen, we join our faith with yours because there is nothing that is impossible with God.”

At some point as they commenced treatment, a surgeon was invited. He suggested that they would carry out surgery on my hand, because they had established that it had pores and bacteria. On the appointment date, I was taken into the theatre for the surgery. The pore that was pressed out of my hand filled a small paint bucket! I was in the hospital for some months. To the glory of God, I became well, discharged and my hand was not amputated.

Two years later, I discovered the same type of pains and growth on the same hand and spot had come suddenly again. I was terrified. I told my wife, and we both prayed and believed God that the affliction would not arise the second time. It was the week of the Central Healing Service; I told my Zonal Minister and we prayed about it.

On the Sunday, we came to the Healing Service. After the message, Daddy prayed, I placed my left hand and faith on the pain that I was receiving; that was exactly how it started two years ago. While the prayer was going on, I discovered that the pains and the size of the swollen hand had started reducing instantly. At the end of the service, I said to my wife, “it’s like this hand has been healed o!” And we both believed God.

Zete Kadilobari Grant

Mar 14, 2024

Fibroid dissolved and Foetus grew and delivered safely. 

Testimony by Mr & Mrs Blessing Ishanu, from Benue State

Early last year, I took in for this baby, Soon after, it was one illness or problem to another. I became so sick that I could not go out of the house. When I was taken to the hospital it was discovered that I was pregnant, and that the baby was not growing. Before …

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Mr & Mrs Blessing Ishanu,

Mar 20, 2024

Fibroid dissolved and Foetus grew and delivered safely. 

Testimony by Mr & Mrs Blessing Ishanu, from Benue State

Early last year, I took in for this baby, Soon after, it was one illness or problem to another. I became so sick that I could not go out of the house. When I was taken to the hospital it was discovered that I was pregnant, and that the baby was not growing. Before then, I had had series of miscarriages. This case that tried to stay, the baby was not growing. The doctor had said that if the baby continues like that I would go for evacuation.

One of those days because I was not able to go out of the house to church, I fell asleep. It was a healing service Sunday. In fact, that was the first time in that pregnancy that I was able to sleep well and so deep! I had a dream; in that dream I heard the Int’l Director preaching and praying, and I was saying, ‘amen and amen.’ The Int’l Director said, “that pregnancy, instead of the child to be growing you are reducing. The power of God is coming on that pregnancy now. I speak life to that foetus. I command that fetus to come alive by the spirit of the Lord. Whatever be the medical conditions, I speak normalcy to your womb now; let the suffocating baby in your womb begin to grow well now. That pregnancy will mature and you will deliver safely.” What woke me up was a knock on the door. The Men Fellowship had visited after the healing service. They told me that the Int’l Director prayed for pregnant women. I said, “amen”.  They also prayed for me.

On my next hospital visit, the doctor said that the baby had started growing well, that I should continue with my routine drugs only. When he said the baby was okay, he added that he noticed multiple fibroid in my womb. I went back home and was wondering why fibroid again, because this was said to have been removed before now. 

In the next month’s healing service, I was strong enough to go to church; it was April healing service. Daddy prayed and said, “I command every case of multiple fibroid to dissolve now by reason of the power in this service.” I believed it; I claimed it. God healed me, dissolved the fibroid and gave me a matured and healthy baby.

Mr & Mrs Blessing Ishanu,

Mar 20, 2024

Ten years of Childlessness, over!


Testimony by Mr & Mrs Amatari Patience Agadah, from Amarata Church 1, Bayelsa State, Nigeria.

We have been married for ten (10) years without a child! I have had lots of miscarriages and suffered lots of pains. We did all we could in taking prescribed medications, herbs and doing massaging, but all to no a…

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Mr & Mrs Amatari Patience Agadah,

Jun 24, 2024

Ten years of Childlessness, over!


Testimony by Mr & Mrs Amatari Patience Agadah, from Amarata Church 1, Bayelsa State, Nigeria.

We have been married for ten (10) years without a child! I have had lots of miscarriages and suffered lots of pains. We did all we could in taking prescribed medications, herbs and doing massaging, but all to no avail. Some people told me that it was because I always singing and stressing myself, the reason why I had miscarriages!

During the Ministry’s 50th Anniversary celebrations, I prayed to God and said, “if You bless me with the fruit of the womb, I will come back to this Temple and testify to the glory of your name.” In April 2023 Healing Service, as the Int’l Director began to pray after the message, he said, “This egg shall not be swallowed this time; your egg shall not be swallowed.’’ Furthermore, he said, “by this season, you shall have your life baby.”

We are standing here today to testimony that God answers prayers. God has blessed us with a son. We give Him all the glory.

Mr & Mrs Amatari Patience Agadah,

Jun 24, 2024

Strange Rashes Varnished!


Testimony by Sis Felicia Oyagri from Elelenwo Church 1, Rivers State, Nigeria.

In the month of October, 2023, I started experiencing rashes on my right hand. I thought I would be gone soon on its own. But, before long, my other hand, my whole body up to my laps were affected. I scratched continually; It kept me restless and uncomf…

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Sis Felicia Oyagri

Jun 24, 2024

Strange Rashes Varnished!


Testimony by Sis Felicia Oyagri from Elelenwo Church 1, Rivers State, Nigeria.

In the month of October, 2023, I started experiencing rashes on my right hand. I thought I would be gone soon on its own. But, before long, my other hand, my whole body up to my laps were affected. I scratched continually; It kept me restless and uncomfortable day and night.

I had to put a call across to my family Doctor. Unfortunately, he was not in town! He requested for a snapshot of part of the affected surfaces. He tried to confirm if I applied anything strange on my skin, but I told him that I did not. He felt that it could be that my body was reacting to something! He prescribed some drugs for me. Being that I don’t like to take drugs; I ended up not buying any of the prescribed drugs.

The pains persisted, and it made me feel so resentful. I could neither go out comfortably nor was able to wear the dresses that I wanted to wear.

One Tuesday night, after our family night prayers, I tried to use my sewing machine as I tuned on my TV it was time Caught-Up programme on RSTV. I said to myself that I could be healed via this Daddy’s ministration. After the prayer session. I became angry in my spirit and laid straight like a patient in a theatre. I told God that I had come for a spiritual surgery and that He should heal me tonight in His own way.

After the prayers, I slept. When I woke up in the morning, I was not conscious of the ailment. I went about my duties without noticing what had happened! It was only when I sat down to start sew that I adjusted my skirt and found that the rashes were gone completely. I was amazed how the rashes all varnished instantly!

On that night that I got angry and payed, I promised God that I was going to come to the Temple and testify to His glory if He healed me. But after I was healed, I felt ashamed and scared to come out to testify. I concluded that I was going to testify in my local church. Just a day after my unwillingness to testify, the rashes appeared all again. I then asked God for mercy, and promised that I will testify of His goodness at the Temple. God answered my prayer. He healed me again. Since then till now, I’ve not experienced the rashes again. Glory to God.

Sis Felicia Oyagri

Jun 24, 2024
God has been gracious and wonderful to you!
And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony. Kindly share your Testimony & upload photo
