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 2 Chronicles 2:5-10


And the temple which I build will be great, for our God is greater than all gods. 2 Chronicles 2:5


Solomon acknowledged the sovereignty and mightiness of God. His knowledge and reverence for God influenced his decision to build a great temple for God. How do we see God? Or what is our conception of God? He declared God as being greater than all the other gods. Solomon went further to ask a question, “Who is able to build a temple for Him since even the heavens where He resides cannot contain Him?” Solomon saw himself as being unworthy to build a temple for God because God is bigger than the whole earth and greater than the imagination of his heart.


How we see God and the revelation we have of Him will greatly influence the way we live our lives, render services in His house, and relate with others. It is important to ask the Lord to give us a revelation of Himself. God is greater than all other gods, He made the heavens and earth without seeking the help of any man. Solomon’s commitment to building a great temple was motivated by the revelation of God’s greatness. Does the knowledge of the greatness of God inspire you to render a great and worthy service to Him? Has the appreciation of His Excellency motivated you to approach His work with a commitment to excellence? Ask for a revelation of God’s greatness today that will affect your worship and service.


Father, I thank you for You are a great God. May Your greatness influence my worship and service. Amen.


 2 Chronicles 4:1-6

Moreover he made a bronze altar: twenty cubits was its length, twenty cubits its width, and ten cubits its height. 2 Chronicles 4:1

The altar Solomon built was twenty cubits wide and ten cubits high, larger than the one originally built for the tabernacle furnishing. God had greatly blessed His people therefore it was expedient for them to enlarge the altars so no man would have an excuse for withholding large sacrifices from the temple. God’s blessings to us are not for keeps rather they are for His glory and the advancement of His kingdom. Our returns should bear a certain proportion to our receiving.


The height of the altar was ten cubits high, such that everyone who worshipped in the temple could have a clear view of the sacrifice and their eyes fixed upon it. This would progressively alter the state of their hearts and cause them to repent from their sins. Today, the cross is our gaze for repentance. We must keep our eyes fixed upon Jesus Christ who died on the cross and became the great atonement for our sins. Basins for washing were placed at strategic positions in the temple to be used by the priests for cleaning themselves and others. The blood of Jesus and His word are our cleaning agents today. Are you looking up to Jesus? Do you have a regular place of communion where you are sanctified by His word daily?


Father, help me to continually fix my gaze on Jesus Christ and to apply the cleaning benefits of Your word. Amen


 2 Chronicles 5:3-14

So that the priests could not continue ministering because of the cloud; for the glory of the Lord filled the house of God. 2 Chronicles 5:14


The New Testament teaches that we are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in us. The glory of God must be an important feature of His temple that distinguishes it from other buildings. Without God’s glory, we are just mere humans going through the motions of ordinary life. Solomon’s temple was filled with God’s glory so much that the priests could not continue ministering. Their religious performance and rites had to be suspended because God’s glory filled His house. Sometimes, the reason for much religious packaging and strategies is the absence of God’s glory. Beloved, you must cry out for God’s glory and power to be seen in your bodily sanctuary.

We can draw some lessons from what happened before God’s glory filled the temple. First, they offered unquantifiable sacrifices. How much of yourself have you laid on the altar of God? All, most, or some? Second, the Ark was kept in its rightful place and the only thing inside were the two tablets of the Law given to Moses. Is following the Lord and keeping His word your highest priority? Third, “All the priests who were present had purified themselves, whether or not they were on duty that day.” Consecration, purity, or sanctification should not be subject to when we have a function or role to play in service. It should be normal and constant. Fourth, they praised and gave thanks to God. How often does spirit-inspired praise burst out from your heart and lips in worship of God?  


Father, help me to live according to Your precepts so that Your glory will fill my body which is Your house. Amen.


 2 Chronicles 6:12-16

Therefore, Lord God of Israel, now keep what You promised Your servant David my father, saying, You shall not fail to have a man sit before Me on the throne of Israel, only if your sons take heed to their way, that they walk in My law as you have walked before Me. 2 Chronicles 6:16.


King David desired to build a temple for God but God stopped him because he had shed too much blood. God promised him that his son was going to build the temple. God fulfilled His promise to His servant several years after his death. The promises of God are inscribed in the Bible. We are to take God’s promises to heart through faith and boldly approach the throne of God to call upon Him to fulfil His promises.  If God has said it, He is capable of bringing it to pass. We have to walk in faith to see it manifest. Men are limited in fulfilling promises but our God has proven to be sufficient and trusted.  


When we walk in righteousness, God’s promises become revealed to us. The promises of God can only come into play when we are where God wants us to be, that is in His will. When God gives a word, He provides all the resources to bring it to manifestation just like He did with Solomon. God is true to every word that He has spoken. When we set God before us and walk with Him with all our hearts, we shall find Him true to His promises.



Heavenly Father, I believe the words You have spoken concerning my life, I pray that they come to manifestation today. Amen


 2 Chronicles 7:8-14


If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14


Prayer is a communication between God and man. It is simply talking to God. In prayers, our hearts are completely turned to God as the source of our help. From our text, God still provided a way of remedy even after telling Solomon the consequences of the people sinning. This implies that even when God’s anger comes upon His people due to sin and disobedience, there is still room for mercy. Mercy comes to those who have a repentant heart; a heart genuinely turned away from wicked ways.


When we seek God’s face through prayers, it shows humility and proves that the answers to our supplications are not in ourselves but in God. “If my people who are called by my name” is an open invitation to anyone who acknowledges God’s name. The promise of answered prayers includes the condition of repentance. We cannot live in sin and expect heaven to hear us. The scripture says that the prayer of a sinner is an abomination to God. Therefore, a major hindrance to our prayers is sin. Today, may the Lord help us to humble ourselves, pray, seek His face, and turn away from every wicked way so we can obtain mercy.


Dear Lord, thank you for Your mercy. I ask that You give me the grace to humble myself and obtain Your mercy through prayer. Amen.



 2 Chronicles 8:1-7,16

Now all the work of Solomon was well-ordered from the day of the foundation of the house of the Lord until it was finished. So the house of the Lord was completed. 2 Chronicles 8:16

Solomon had an assignment to build the temple of God. He began this work shortly after he was made King. It took Solomon seven years to build the temple and thirteen years to build his palace. At the end of these twenty years, his kingdom had been secured, stable and blessed. He rebuilt the villages, settled new cities and led the people into new ventures. He played his role effectively.

We can learn from King Solomon to spend our days doing purposeful work rather than complaining or being afraid. He prayed for wisdom to carry out his responsibilities and sought all the help he could get to complete the work set before him. God provided everything needed to build the temple because Solomon availed himself to own the vision and run with it. He observed God’s will and walked in the ways of his father. Every child of God has a role to play wherever they may find themselves and this should be done with joy as the reward will be great. It is not how long you have lived but how well and the impact you’ve made in your generation. May the lord stir up consciousness in your heart to know that you have been called to perform an important role in His kingdom and the world.


Father, empower me to fulfil the purpose for which I was created. Amen


 2 Chronicles 9:1-6


And when the queen of Sheba had seen the wisdom of Solomon, the house that he had built, the food on his table, the seating of his servants, the service of his waiters and their apparel… there was no more spirit in her. 2 Chronicles 9:3-4.


Jesus referred to the incident in our text in Matthew 12:42. He chided the Pharisees for not doing everything to come to Him and hear His words. The Lord Jesus also affirmed that He is greater than Solomon. The Queen of Sheba had to travel from “the ends of the earth” to hear Solomon’s wisdom. All her difficult questions were answered and she was more than impressed. We can go to the Lord with our difficult questions and issues; our Lord is greater and wiser than Solomon.


The queen of Sheba was breathless when she observed how everything was done around King Solomon. The little things and seemingly inconsequential matters were done excellently. The eating, the organization of his officials, their clothing, etc., were all affected by Solomon’s wisdom. This is a lesson for everyone, especially leaders. We must be organised and practice doing things decently and orderly. How things are arranged and done in the home, office, church, school, etc., speaks volumes of our personality. Wisdom should be employed in every facet of our life. Our offices must be tidy and files should be properly arranged. Our homes should portray some degree of organization and wisdom. Excellence is achieved by paying attention to the little details. Sloppiness in one area can rub off on other areas. Are there areas in your life where mediocrity is allowed?



Lord, by Your grace I apply wisdom to every aspect of my life. Amen.

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